
Player Roster

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Handle City Last Name First Name Gender
Al Hagen Harrisburg Hagen Al M
Alex Kandolin Rapid City Kandolin Alex F
Allison Meyerink Mitchell Meyerink Allison F
Andrew Dykstra Sioux Falls Dykstra Andrew M
Art Aviles Sioux Falls Aviles Art M
Ben Daane Rapid City Daane Ben M
Ben Irlbeck Elk Point Irlbeck Ben M
Bennett Geraets Sioux Falls Geraets Bennett M
Bo Sandness Sioux Falls Sandness Bo M
Brad Buche Mitchell Buche Brad M
Bradley Seaman Aberdeen Seaman Bradley M
Brandon Sigmund Mitchell Sigmund Brandon M
Brandon Varilek Harrisburg Varilek Brandon M
Braydon Jones Aberdeen Jones Braydon M
Brodie Hullinger Brookings Hullinger Brodie M
Bruce Ashland Rapid City Ashland Bruce M
Bryce Hammer Sioux Falls Hammer Bryce M
Caeden Ekroth Yankton Ekroth Caeden M
Carson Lee Vermillion Lee Carson M
Carson Van Beek Sioux Falls Van Beek Carson M
Carter Shawd Sioux Falls Shawd Carter M
Chase McDonald Wentworth McDonald Chase M
Chris Baker Saint Lawrence Baker Chris M
Cole Peterson Sioux Falls Peterson Cole M
Collin Hammer Sioux Falls Hammer Collin M
Cory Willadsen Sioux Falls Willadsen Cory M
Cramer Johnson Aberdeen Johnson Cramer M
Dan Megard Yankton Megard Dan M
Dave Beranek Sioux Falls Beranek Dave M
David Wilch North Sioux City Wilch David M
David Wobbema Sioux Falls Wobbema David M
Denny Fokken Yankton Fokken Denny M
Derek Burshiem Flandreau Burshiem Derek M
Derek Hoflock Sioux Falls Hoflock Derek M
Don Robinson RAPID CITY Robinson Don M
Doug Murphy Hartford Murphy Doug M
Gabriel Messler Sioux Falls Messler Gabriel M
Gene Levasseur Sioux Falls Levasseur Gene M
Gordon Jones Flandreau Jones Gordon M
Gunar Rang Sioux Falls Rang Gunar M
Hayden Heig Rapid City Heig Hayden M
Hayden Scott Sioux Falls Scott Hayden M
J.R. Laplante Sioux Falls Laplante J.R. M
Jack Hilgenberg Sioux Falls Hilgenberg Jack M
Jack Kray Sioux Falls Kray Jack M
Jack Lundin Sioux Falls Lundin Jack M
Jack Tanner Brookings Tanner Jack M
Jackson Swartz Rapid City Swartz Jackson M
Jacob Otta Sioux Falls Otta Jacob M
Jake Olson Watertown Olson Jake M
Jake Steen Brookings Steen Jake M
Jared Schnabel Aberdeen Schnabel Jared M
Jeff Meyerink Mitchell Meyerink Jeff M
Jeff Stockert Aberdeen Stockert Jeff M
Jim McGuire Sioux Falls McGuire Jim M
John Chisham Sioux Falls Chisham John M
John Grothe Brandon Grothe John M
John Young Rapid City Young John M
Jonah Swartz Rapid City Swartz Jonah M
Julean Michels Sioux Falls Michels Julean M
Kayde Bartels Brookings Bartels Kayde M
Kyle Repp Yankton Repp Kyle M
Kyle Stoltenberg Sioux Falls Stoltenberg Kyle M
Lauren Tims Sioux Falls Tims Lauren F
Luke Honner Sioux Falls Honner Luke M
Maiya Muller Beresford Muller Maiya F
Matthew Schaefer Brookings Schaefer Matthew M
Matthew Wolfe Sioux Falls Wolfe Matthew M
Mattie Weidenbach Sioux Falls Weidenbach Mattie F
Max Dailey Mitchell Dailey Max M
Max Pfeiffer Aberdeen Pfeiffer Max M
Megan Hinker Lennox Hinker Megan F
Mikael Zuidema Brandon Zuidema Mikael M
Mike Grevlos Sioux Falls Grevlos Mike M
Natalie Young Rapid City Young Natalie F
Nicholas Heig Rapid City Heig Nicholas M
Nick Lust Rapid City Lust Nick M
Nick Mahowald Watertown Mahowald Nick M
Pat Doyle Sioux Falls Doyle Pat M
Quinn Dannenbring Mitchell Dannenbring Quinn F
Reese Jansa Sioux Falls Jansa Reese F
Riley Christensen Sioux Falls Christensen Riley M
Riley Duncanson Brandon Duncanson Riley M
Russell Pick Mitchell Pick Russell M
Ryan Jansa Sioux Falls Jansa Ryan M
Ryan Neff Sioux Falls Neff Ryan M
Ryan Trasamar Sioux Falls Trasamar Ryan M
Sam Prue Sioux City Prue Sam M
Scott Duarte Rapid City Duarte Scott M
Scott Schultz Emery Schultz Scott M
Sean Farah Sioux Falls Farah Sean M
Shannon McCormick Sioux Falls McCormick Shannon F
Skyler Harms Dell rapids Harms Skyler M
Spencer Wittstruck Sioux Falls Wittstruck Spencer M
Steve Beardsley Rapid City Beardsley Steve M
Steve Weiland Yankton Weiland Steve M
Thom Koehler Sioux Falls Koehler Thom M
Tim Renner Crooks Renner Tim M
Tony Hayes Sioux Falls Hayes Tony M
Trevor Bartunek Rapid City Bartunek Trevor M
Troy Howard Rapid City Howard Troy M
Tyler Westra Sioux Falls Westra Tyler M
Will Allen Harrisburg Allen Will M
Will Grevlos Sioux Falls Grevlos Will M
Will Hurd Sioux Falls Hurd Will M